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We Want To Support Your Mission

Parks in our country preserve the our nation's natural and cultural heritage so that they public can enjoy them, be inspired by them, and learn from them. It is this all-important last piece that we hope to support through partnerships with parks and local educators. 

Services We Offer

Become a Park Based Learning Partner

Partner Parks and Educational Institutions have agreed to review the project-based learning resources we create and give feedback on how the could be improved. These projects are then marked as "Partner Approved". Partners receive exclusive access to the project, can link to it or host it from their own website, and will be listed under our partners page.   


Request Projects for your Park

Parks are encouraged to look at the sample projects in our gallery and request their own. We will work with any park that would like to offer a high-quality, project-based learning resource for their visitors focused on issues central to that park unit and one of the four Park Based Learning Competencies. We work one-on-one with interpreters at your institution to make sure your project exceeds your expectations. 


Teachers in the Park - Custom Professional Development

Learning about the park is great, but visiting it takes project work from the theoretical to the authentic. To this end, we will plan a two-day professional development of local teachers focused on developing a high-quality project that will include visiting the park during the school year. Day one focuses on project-based learning and the power of experiential education, while Day Two focuses on the development of a high-quality project for their students. 


We take care of all the planning, advertising, and facilitation, but you can stay as involved as you'd like. By the end of our collaboration, your park will be visited by an excited classroom of students who will no doubt want to bring their families and friends in the future.  

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