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“Thousands of tired, nerve-shaken, over-civilized people are beginning to find out that going to the mountains is going home; that wildness is a necessity” - John Muir

NEW - Virtual Park Tours
Learn all about our latest project made possible with a generous grant from National Geographic.
Park Based Learning was featured on Education Counts with PBS affiliate WNIT!
We provide FREE, project-based learning resources to teachers who are interested in engaging, authentic classroom learning while inspiring an appreciation for the natural and cultural heritage of our nation.
We are looking to help nurture the next generation of park protectors and explorers. We hope to not only encourage students to learn more about these places, but also to take ownership of them in order to ensure that they are around for future generations to enjoy.
To learn more about how to download our lessons, projects, and other resources for teachers and students, please click on any of the buttons
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