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Join me on Substack
My personal publications, blogs, and newsletters are now all available through Substack!
From 2016 to 2023, James published the Teacher Camp blog on a variety of topics and subjects. You can access the entire archive here!
Supporting Our Digital Natives
According to a 2018 study conducted by Brigham Young University, the number one issue that parents of teenagers are worried about is no...
Tuning Out! Keeping Kids Focused on Technology (aka the blog post your kid doesn’t want you to read)
The internet is a wonderful tool for learning that students today are incredibly lucky to have. But in addition to the vast amounts of...
Park Based Learning is coming to TIES18!
After almost a year of work, my Park Based Learning project is going to finally get some air time! If you're going to be at TIES 18 in...
Exploring Parks at a Distance: Placed Based Learning from your Classroom
In a perfect world, you’d be able to take your students to the park associated with their project in order to provide them a rich...
The Year in Review
Happy New Year! Like many of you who are we headed back to your classrooms, I have begun to consider goals for the second half of the...
Social Media and Teens: What Do We Know?
At the end of this month I’ll be presenting to a group of K-8 parents on social media and the pitfalls/importance of it in the lives of...
Google Keep - The Ultimate Project Management Tool
Wanted to repost this blog about my experiences using Google Keep in PBL that was recently posted on
SXSWedu - Best of Show
The SXSWedu conference was first launched with a simple mission; bringing together educators and tech industry leaders to discuss trends...
Four Awesome Project Ideas for Garageband
As an instructional coach, I often get called in to bat for teachers who need help coming up with a project or refining a rough idea....
The Big 20 – 20 Useful Web Tools For EdTech Users
There are amazing web tools out there and as a long time edtech user and coach I’ve spent many a night searching the web wondering to...
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